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Area 30 Adult Education Portal
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Employer Partners
Employment Assistance
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Area 30 Adult Education Portal
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Employer Partners
Employment Assistance
Career or College
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Need help applying for jobs or researching college or career options?
Complete the form below and we will be in touch to guide you through the process.
How can we help you with your employment needs?
Finding available job openings
Completing job applications
Making a resume/work history sheet
Practicing interview skills
Learning about what jobs are available in this area
Finding a better paying job or moving up within your current company
How can we help you with your college or career needs?
Connect you with FAFSA® (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Assist you with reviewing basic Math, Reading, Writing, or Language skills
Assist in arranging a college visit, or connect you with a college advisor
What will your employment, college, or career goal help you achieve?
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